Web supplementary information for "Umbilical cord gene expression reveals the molecular architecture of the fetal inflammatory response in extremely preterm newborns" by D. Costa and R. Castelo, Pediatric Research, 79:473-481, 2016

Here we provide the supplementary information of our article "Umbilical cord gene expression reveals the molecular architecture of the fetal inflammatory response in extremely preterm newborns", published by the journal Pediatric Research, in a different more friendly format than the way provided at the publisher site.

TableS1.pdfSupplementary Table S1 (PDF).
TableS2.pdfSupplementary Table S2 (PDF).
TableS3.pdfSupplementary Table S3 (PDF).
TableS4.pdfSupplementary Table S4 (PDF).
TableS5.pdfSupplementary Table S5 (PDF).
SupplementaryTablesS6toS12.xlsxSupplementary Tables S6 to S12 (XLSX).
TableS6.csvSupplementary Table S6 (CSV).
TableS7.csvSupplementary Table S7 (CSV).
TableS8.csvSupplementary Table S8 (CSV).
TableS9.csvSupplementary Table S9 (CSV).
TableS10.csvSupplementary Table S10 (CSV).
TableS11.csvSupplementary Table S11 (CSV).
TableS12.csvSupplementary Table S12 (CSV).
TableS13.csvSupplementary Table S13 (CSV).
TableS13.csvSupplementary Table S13 (CSV).
TableS14.csvSupplementary Table S14 (CSV).
TableS15.pdfSupplementary Table S15 (PDF).
CostaCastelo2016data.zipNormalized gene expression data and phenotype data, including batch indicator variable, birth weight, gestational age, sex and FIR status (ZIP).
SupplementalDataFile.pdfSupplemental Data File (PDF).
The Supplemental Data File contains the PDF output of a Sweave vignette describing the analyses of the paper in R.